Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

Episode #163 - “Raising Sons of Promise” Guest: Roland Warren



DR. MEG & ROLAND WARREN (Part 1)    Roland shares his own story, as a son of a teenage mom, raised with three other siblings in a home without a father present. Out of this upbringing, a passion was planted in his heart, in regards to the impact of the absence of a father in a home. An absence that not only affects the children, but also the single moms left to parent on their own. If you are a single or divorced mother of a boy, you will want to listen in as Roland speaks out of his own personal experience, giving a powerful perspective of what your growing son might say, if he had the emotional maturity and ability to share what’s going on in his heart and mind.   DR. MEG & ROLAND WARREN (Part 2) The conversation continues with Roland Warren offering further guidance and wisdom to moms who want to raise their sons in a way that will help them make and keep their commitments, while breaking destructive father-patterns to become better men of character and action.    FROM THE PRODUCER Thanks for listening to