Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

Episode 192 -"Kids and Transgender – What the Medical Data Shows, Part 2" Guest: Irene Ericksen and Mary Anne Mosack



In this episode, Dr. Meeker continues her discussion about transgender and kids with Irene Ericksen and Mary Anne Mosack. Some Topics Covered: Kids who deal with gender confusion also are dealing with other issues, such as, autism, OCD, anxiety and depression. Most start the transgender process without treating the actual cause of why these kids are feeling this way. We need to treat the whole person and not just the problems. Biology plays a factor in procreation because we need both males and females to do so. Kids are being influenced in school and on the internet that they can be any gender orientation that they want to be in order to fit into today’s culture. Parent’s can stand up and fight this based on the information that is not backed up by facts. The curriculum schools use is not sanctioned by the government. Having respect for your child’s feelings and emotions can build the trust between you in order to address these hard topics. Praise your child/children for coming to you with any of th