Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

Episode 199-"Peaceful Discipline" Guest: Sarah Moore



In this episode Dr. Meeker and guest Sarah Moore have an intriguing conversation about her new book, Peaceful Discipline: Story Teaching, Brain Science, & Better Behavior. At the end of the day every parent wants to feel good about their parenting and good about the relationship they have with their child/children. Topics covered: The body-brain connection to behavior, why most "consequences" don't work, and what to do instead. How parents and children can regulate their nervous systems to foster greater connection, even in the thick of adversity. The power of connection over punishment. Your relationship with your child/children is a long-term relationship. Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: FROM THE PRODUCER Thanks for listening to Episode #199 Peaceful Parenting and for helping Dr. Meg’s parenting revolution rea