What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#359 Dr. Michael Gervais: Breaking the Invisible Barriers to Mastery & Fear of Other People's Opinion



Prepare to elevate your performance with Dr. Michael Gervais, a revered high-performance psychologist who has become the go-to expert for top achievers in various fields seeking to surpass the boundaries of potential. Dr. Gervais brings his wealth of experience to our conversation, providing insights into the invisible boundaries that hold us back. In this episode, we dive into his latest work, "The First Rule of Mastery: Stop Worrying What People Think of You," exploring the foundational principles that allow the elite to thrive under pressure. Dr. Gervais shares actionable strategies to shift your focus inward, cultivate resilience, and silence the external noise that often hinders greatness. Whether you're an athlete, entrepreneur, artist, or simply someone who aspires to break through personal limits, this discussion will guide you toward mastering your mind and ultimately your craft. My new book, Masterpiece in Progress: A Daily Guide to a Life Well Crafted, is out now! Order HERE Find out more - Master