Keep It Real With Khadija Podcast

Welcome Episode: Interview With Global Best Selling Author, World Record Holder, Entrepreneur & Educator, Rob Moore!



In this introductory episode of Keeping It Real With Khadija, the star of the Apprentice 2018, business owner and mumpreneur, interviews best-selling author,  world-renowned public speaker, multi-millionaire educator and co-founder of the Progressive group, Mr Rob Moore. Khadija and Rob ‘keep it real' by discussing his highs and lows from over 17 years in business, as well as diving into the personal questions we all want to know! What type of animal would you be? What type of cake? And, who would you invite to your dinner party! Rob reflects on his time as a young entrepreneur and discusses the advice he would give to his younger self, all topped off with some quick-fire questions, this episode is not to be missed. Tune in today and Keep It Real With Khadija.  KEY TAKEAWAYSAs a businessman, if Rob were to be an animal he would be a bird of prey. Stating that he would not like to be an animal that could get preyed on, he would also like to have the freedom to fly. Rob discusses