Keep It Real With Khadija Podcast

A Unique Chat with Taaliah



Out of the mouth of babes…This week, Khadija keeps it real with her most special guest yet, her three year-old daughter, Taaliah Ellis, whose insights may surprise you.For instance, did mummy deserve to win The Apprentice? Is she a good singer? If she could be any animal, which would she be? And has Khadija finally met her match in the Yes/No game…?KEY TAKEAWAYSWhen she is older, Taaliah would like to be a ghost. Either that or Rapunzel.Pigs hold a lot of appeal because of the noises they make. Lions make interesting sounds, too.Taaliah's favourite activites are gling to bed and putting things in the bin. Oh, and going swimming.Darcy, Lola , Florence and Mummy are among her closest friends. And Sicily is her favourite holiday destination.Taaliah Ellis is not a fan of appearing on podcasts, but she likes Keeping It Real With Khadija.Despite what you may have heard, Mummy is not good at cleaning. But she is good at singing and cooking. Taaliah is good at everything.BEST MOMENTS'I want to be a gumb