What Is Going Om

Cracking the Consciousness Code with Dr. Anneloes Smitsman



Air Date - 02 November 2023As our world and virtually every society and structure within it teeters on the edge of self-destruction, many spiritual teachers are pointing our attention toward what may well be the only thing that can save us – the emergence of the new humans. But who are the new humans? And how can they save us?DR. JEAN HOUSTON is a best-selling author, teacher, futurist, and pioneering co-founder of the Human Potential Movement. DR. ANNELOES SMITSMAN is a scientist, futurist, system architect, leadership catalyst, and bestselling author in human development and systems change. Following a fascinating series of synchronicities, they created the Nautilus silver and gold award-winning series of books, The Future Humans Trilogy with the intention of changing how we play the game of life. Written as an allegory with cutting-edge insights from the new paradigm sciences with indigenous wisdom and consciousness teaching for our evolutionary next steps, The Future Humans Trilogy reveals 9 powerful cosm