Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Episode 282: Blind Box



"Reel Life (Evolution 2)" by Cinematic Orchestra from Man with a Movie Camera; "Shinbone Star" by Acid Twilight from Shadow Wrangler; "Butterfly House" by Teeth of the Sear from Hive; "Memories of Music" by Oneohtix Point Never from Again; "Les Parentheses Enchantees - Movement III" by Colleen from Le Jour et la Nuit du Reel; "We Were There" by Sparkle Division from Foxy; "Traveler" by Precocious Neophyte from Home in the Desert; "A Man's Mind Will Play Tricks on Him" by Jim O'Rourke from the Hands That Bind Original Soundtrack; "Free Wifi" by Markus Floats from Fourth Album; "Nightswim" by Wayne Phoenix featuring Run Rivers from Soaring Wayne Phoenix Story of the Earth and Sky; "Eyes Within" by Gloria De Oliveira and Dean Hurley from Oceans of Time