Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

224 The Magic of Letting Go: 5Gs for Releasing with Grace



Imagine a world in which in addition to math, we and all children were taught about how to work with and apply magic to our day to day lives. Not to pull coins out of our ears, or cast spells on people, but the TRUE meaning and energy of magic.  In this world, people know, trust and value tuning into the subtle realms of insight, feeling, senses, intuition, grace - things we can't see with our eyes but we for sure feel with our bodies and hearts. In this world, synchroncity is the flow for how we roll. No pushing rocks up hills or over-asserting wlll to make stuff happen.  When we work with true magic, the elements work with us and with us to create more ease, alignment and grace, even in the tricky, challenging parts.  You know here at Feminine Power Time we are not waiting for others to create this world, we are choosing to re-imagine, re-design and co-create the realities we know are possible now.... which can also be tricky and challenging.  Magic helps us notice and recognize patterns. One pattern I s