Writers Who Don't Write

Jason Diamond



Jason Diamond is an associate editor at Men's Journal and the author of the forthcoming book, Searching for John Hughes. Prior to this he was an editor at Jewcy.com and Flavorpill, and he founded the literary website Vol. 1 Brooklyn. His work has been featured in The New York Times, The Paris Review, The Wall Street Journal, New Republic, Vice, Bookforum, Tablet, The Awl, Pitchfork, McSweeny's, NPR, The Rumpus, and many other fine outlets. In this episode, he discusses how he was never able to write the definitive biography of John Hughes. It's more complicated than you might think.    *** This show is a part of the Podglomerate network, a company that produces, distributes, and monetizes podcasts. We encourage you to visit the website and sign up for our newsletter for more information about our shows, launches, and events. For more information on how The Podglomerate treats data, please see our Privacy Policy.  Since you're listening to Writers Who Don’t Write, we'd like to suggest you also try other Podglo