

After some birthday celebrations John and Derek are back to chat all about Loki 203 1893. We discuss the episode in spoiler filled detail so make sure you've watched it before listening along. Loki 203 "1893" Synopsis Head Writer: Michael Waldron Episode Written by: Eric Martin, Kasra Farahani, Jason O'Leary Episode Directed By: Kasra Farahani 86 years B.McD. (before McDonald's) in the year 1868, Ravona Renslayer arrives in Chicago looking for Miss Minutes. Ravona is instructed to deliver a package into a window to complete He Who Remains plan to safeguard the timeline. Inside a young boy opens the package and reveals the TVA handbook. Trying to locate Renslayer, Loki and Mobius travel to 1868, but unable to locate her they travel to a new branched timeline in 1893. The new branch was created by Miss Minutes interference in 1868. They quickly locate a confidence trickster called Victor Timely who is advertising a way to harness time, through his Temporal Loom prototype. Victor sells h