Performhappy With Rebecca Smith

How to Help Your Athlete When They're Struggling with Confidence (But They Don't Want Help) EP 296



As parents, we all want the best for our young athletes, especially when they're going through tough times. But what should you do if your child resists the help and guidance we offer? In this episode, Coach Rebecca addresses this common concern and provides valuable insights for parents seeking ways to understand and support their athletes effectively.  During their pre-teen and teenage years, it’s entirely normal for children to seek some distance from their parents. This developmental phase is marked by their quest for independence and the shaping of their identities. It's essential to recognize that their resistance might have a biological basis as their brains undergo significant changes during this period.  In some cases, kids may not even realize they need help. We need to allow them space to recognize when they can improve and understand when to ask for help. Instead of arguing with them when they insist everything’s fine, try to agree with them while gently encouraging deeper reflectio