Wild City

Wild City #158 - Chrms



People really like to throw around the phase “age is just a number”. It is just a number, but when it comes to Veer Kowli, it's nearly impossible to ignore, for he's all of 17 years old. The Mumbai-based teenager, who's still in 11th grade (this may be a cue for the rest of us to give our own lives a long, hard look), has already dabbled in design and film. Most impressive and renowned, however, is his musical alter-ego Chrms. As Chrms, the young electronic producer makes feel-good, RnB inspired tracks with ambient and future bass influences, including conspicuous traces of producers who have inspired him - names such as Flume, Mr Carmack and Odesza. What's more, the high-schooler – who apparently started producing when he was just 9 – already has an extensive discography that includes over 23 tracks. Chrms' mix for Wild City can best be summarised as an hour-long introduction to the unpretentious, enthusiastic persona of the producer and a comprehensive look into the musical space he aspires to occupy. J