Wild City

Wild City #212: Deep Brown



Few sets invite one into a trance as quickly as Deep Brown's Wild City mix, which instantly whirrs you in with the arpeggios of Nathan Melja's 'Back And Forth'.  A long-standing DJ originally from Kolkata, Ankur Kedia aka Deep Brown gradually lets the arpeggios dissipate into textures focused on percussive numbers and bass melodies tailored for the dancefloor with the techno and house set. Within the incessant thump of the genre that never overbears and never lets down the energy, the selection traverses a range of styles, riding waves of pristine productions to the raw retro energy like the deep cut remix by DJ Smeagzy of Andy Kas' 'Funky Roadway', a particular highlight in the sonic journey. For more information and tracklist: https://www.thewildcity.com/mixes/19643-wild-city-212-deep-brown