Dave By The Bell

048 What I Wish I’d Known: College Applications



Dave and App State's social media manager Ginny Scheer roam about Sanford Mall interviewing App State students to find out what they wish they had known way back when they were applying to college. Maybe don't procrastinate but chill out and follow your heart while not stressing...something along those lines anyway.       Transcript: Dave  Hey folks! I'm Dave Blanks from University Communications back with Dave by the Bell. It's October. It's chilly. I'm out here with Ginny. She is the manager of our social media. We're interviewing App State students. We're talking to them about advice during the application process. What do you know now that you wish you knew then? Ginny Scheer Mmhmm Dave  So we’re out here on Sanford Mall. All right. Well, let's find somebody to talk to. Sarely Zavala-Duran I'm Sarely Zavala-Duran I'm from Indian Trail, North Carolina. Dave  Saley? Sarely Zavala-Duran Sara Lee like the bread company. Dave  Sara Lee! Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee! All right. Sara Lee, are you a freshm