Global Minnesota

Event Recording: Cyprus in Context with Ambassador Doherty



In 1960, Cyprus became independent from the United Kingdom, but its early years were marked by violence between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. The United Nations established a buffer zone in 1964 to diffuse rising tensions. Ten years later, after a Greece-sponsored coup in Cyprus, Turkey sent thousands of troops to the island, citing its right as a guarantor power to do so. Nearly 200,000 Greek Cypriots living in the northern part of the island were forced or fled to the south; 60,000 Turkish Cypriots living in the south did the same to the north. The island and the capital city of Nicosia have been divided since then, despite international attempts to reunify Cyprus. U.N. troops remain to protect the peace, but periodic flare-ups of violence have occurred as recently as August 2023. Hear a conversation with former U.S. Ambassador to Cyprus, Kathleen Doherty.   Ambassador Doherty outlines the current status of the Cyprus issue, the obstacles to establishing a permanent solution, and how diplomacy can pl