The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic

Why Doesn’t My Spouse Turn Me On? – Milica Jelenic



The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host Is it your spouse, is it you? What is stopping you from desiring sex with your spouse? I have had many people come to me and say "My spouse just doesn't turn me on." That can be a big challenge and can end a relationship. So what can you do if your spouse just doesn't turn you on? We will explore a few concepts in this show about finding out if you really are or are not attracted to your spouse/partner 1) What is attraction? What senses are you using for your attraction or lack of it? 2) Are you attracted to someone else? What is it that attracts you? 3) Do you trust them, or is there something going on? 4) Do you know who your partner is, on a deeper level? Are you willing to get to know them? 5) When did you realize you were not longer attracted? 6) Is there something you desire but have been scared to ask? 7) Have you surrendered to the idea it will never change? 8) What is keeping you together? Bring your note books or recording devices and get ready to