Light Hustler: Making Your Mess Into Your Message

The Slow Climb to Selling 100,000 Books with Paul Angone



Paul Angone had an extremely unusual journey to success as an author.First, he tried to sell a book. For eight years. Nary a bite.Then a blog post he dashed off went viral. Very viral. From there, he was able to sell a book based on that blog post to a publisher. The problem was that he had to finish it in a month.Well that book and the next have sold over 100,000 copies and launched a massive speaking career.But that's not even why I wanted to have him on the podcast. I wanted him on the pod so I could Interview him about the process of turning his book into a course.Listen in on this mega inspiring conversation about how courses and books work symbiotically—and how your reality may end up being even bigger than your you may even end up selling over 100,000 copies of your book.FOR MORE ABOUT THE PODCAST AND OTHER STUFF, GO TO WWW.ONGOODAUTHORITYPOD.COM.