Aufhebunga Bunga

/370/ Dead Ends in Israel & Palestine ft. Alex Gourevitch



On violence and the lack of political resolution.   Regular guest Alex Gourevitch joins us to discuss why the Israel/Palestine conflict is so intractable – and why it draws so much attention. Alex then explains why, lamentably, there is no side worth choosing.   We then delve into various key points:  why Hamas was becoming irrelevant and how the 7 October attack was an attempt to combat that;  why violence is necessary but the Palestinians are in a catch-22;  how the West is implicated in the violence and callousness on show;  why the Palestinians are the most oppressed and forgotten people;  why Hamas is not an anticolonial freedom struggle; and  what is the right way to compare this to Ukraine. Links: No end in sight: Israel’s search for a Gaza strategy, Lawrence Freedman, FT (attached) The House of Zion, Perry Anderson, NLR Whither Palestine, David Polansky, Strange Frequencies