Mike & Maurice's Mind Escape

Dr. Gregory Little & PD Newman on Mounds and Compounds Episode #292



Tonight we have a very very special episode. Dr. Gregory Little and PD Newman are on together and we are going to be talking about Native American mounds, psychoactive compounds, and rituals. Dr. Gregory Little  is a psychologist, author, and researcher that has written the go to resource for Native American mounds called “The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Native American Mounds & Earthworks” as well many other books on various topics. He has been on Mind Escape Many times and I will add a playlist below. PD Newman is an author and researcher who makes connections between elements of esoteric knowledge/traditions and psychedelics. Both Dr. Gregory and PD Newman are featured in our documentary “As Within So Without: From UFOs to DMT” which is available for free on our YouTube click the linktree link below.  LinkTree:  https://linktr.ee/MindEscapePodcast *HERE IS THE LINK TO WATCH “As Within So Without” Director’s Cut: https://www.patreon.com/posts/as-within-so-to-80209747?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_