Vestiges Of Christianity

Decoding Archetypes with Mikal VanOene and the Tarot



On this enlightening episode of "Vestiges After Dark," Bishop Bryan Ouellette, Jamie Wolfe, Fr. Chris Yates, and Brandon Milum are joined by the knowledgeable Mikal VanOene. Mikal delves deep into the realm of archetypes, but with a twist: through the rich symbolism of the tarot.While many misconstrue tarot as a mere tool for fortune-telling, Mikal clarifies its true essence. For her, the tarot is not really about predicting the future, but rather a profound tool for introspection, self-exploration, and understanding the multifaceted layers of the human psyche. By exploring the intricate cards, Mikal showcases how the tarot can serve as a mirror, reflecting our inner beliefs, biases, and perceptions.Tune in as we embark on a journey that breaks down myths and misconceptions, opening the doors to a world where ancient symbols meet modern psychology, and where the mystical intertwines with the rational, all under the insightful guidance of Mikal VanOene.Whether you're a seasoned tarot enthusiast or a curious li