Soul Talks With Bill & Kristi Gaultiere

Quiet Prayer for Deeper Joy - Surprising Soul Care for Sevens and Everyone



Joyful enthusiasts are exceptional at creating and spreading happiness and fun among those they love. Yet you may also misuse enthusiasm and charisma to avoid anxiety, pain, and conflict. Join us for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi discuss soul care for Enneagram Sevens — quiet prayer. If you are a Seven or have a line, wing, or relationship with a Seven, you’ll understand the emotional alarm, defense mechanism, stress line, and soul care practice to draw you into the depths with Jesus to experience maximum joy with a peaceful and quiet brain.Resources for this Episode: Healthy Feelings, Thriving Faith: Growing Emotionally and Spiritually Through the EnneagramYour Enneagram MapSoul Shepherding Enneagram ResourcesEnneagram & Emotions CourseEnneagram & Emotions Assessment