Macro Musings

Sam Hammond on AI, Techno-Feudalism, and the Future of the State



Sam Hammond is a senior economist at the Foundation for American Innovation and is non-resident fellow at the Niskanen Institute. Sam is also a previous guest of the show, and he rejoins Macro Musings to talk about artificial intelligence and the future of the state. Specifically, David and Sam discuss the current AI environment, how private AI may replace functions of the state, key moments in the techno-feudalistic future of AI, and more.   Transcript for this week’s episode.   Sam’s Twitter: @hamandcheese Sam’s FAI profile Sam’s blog   David Beckworth’s Twitter: @DavidBeckworth Follow us on Twitter: @Macro_Musings   Join the Macro Musings mailing list! Check out our new Macro Musings merch!   Related Links:   *AI and Leviathan: The Institutional Economics of an Intelligence Explosion* by Sam Hammond   *AI and Leviathan: Preparing for Regime Change* by Sam Hammond   *AI and Leviathan: A Timeline of Our Techno-Feudalist Future* by Sam Hammond   *Attention is All You Need* by Ashish Vaswani et al.