Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

223: PRACTICE: The New Moon Reset (a teaching + transmission for staying centered & clear)



The New Moon Reset is one of those practices that if you weave it into the rhythm of your life, you won't believe how you could have ever lived without it. It's a must for those of us who choose to cultivate a centered, connected, clear presence and perspective, even within the chaos.  During these times, we can expect the world is going to go wavy gravy ... that humans are going to horrible things to other humans and the planet ... that the changes we are going through are individually and collectively are going to stir up anxiety, fear and all the feels.  It won't always be this way (AND we are in transitory times), and there are many other really beautiful signs that humanity is elevating, choosing love and compassion ... the mainstream news just doesn't cover those so much (which is why we create alternatives which do!)  A question to ask ourselves is - how do we choose to walk through these times? How can we be with what is, and also keep our fierce hearts open, faced forward, our vision for what is poss