Curious Fox Podcast

Trauma from a New Lens with Dr MaryCatherine "MC" McDonald (Interview)



How do we navigate the multifaceted nature of trauma beyond the often reductive parameters set by the medical system? How is memory formation and storage impacted by trauma and how does that impact the trauma experience? Can our journey towards healing be supported by those other than professionals?  In this episode, Effy talks with trauma researcher and author, Dr. MaryCatherine "MC" McDonald, whose book, "Unbroken: The Trauma Response Is Never Wrong And Other Things You Need to Know to Take Back Your Life," offers refreshing perspectives in understanding and addressing trauma. Dr. MC introduces a perspective that views trauma responses as indicators of strength and resilience, challenging commonly held beliefs around vulnerability and fragility. As Effy and Dr. MC explore the neurological mechanics of trauma, they also discuss healing methodologies that move beyond standard medical approaches, emphasizing the power of self-articulation and individual paths to recovery.Instagram: