Audio Divina

Invitation to a wedding feast - 28th Sunday of the Year, Year A



Invitation to a wedding feast: Through the parable of the wedding feast, Jesus continues his questioning of Israel's leadership. But this is no ordinary wedding. It is the wedding feast the king is giving for his son. Continuing the theme of last week's parable, the vineyard becomes a wedding feast. Those invited to the feast reject and even murder those who invite them to the wedding. The king slays them, and turns elsewhere: the good and the bad are invited from the highways and the byways. But even among the multitudes who are now invited to the wedding, there is one who does not respond to the invitation. Greeted as "friend," he refuses to be part of the celebration. We have all been invited to God's banquet. Today's Gospel urges us to take that invitation seriously. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for the 28th Sunday of the year, Year A. Gospel Reading: Matthew 22:1-14 Gospel read by Ro