Real Trends: Real Trending

United Real Estate Gallery leaders talk about low-fee models and commission lawsuit prep



In today's RealTrending, United Real Estate Gallery CEO Ray Rivera and President Sonny Downey share their perspective on the commission lawsuits. Sonny is a past president of his local MLS and Ray is the incoming 2024 president, so they have a unique view of how things may shake out. Ray and Sonny also discuss how low-fee brokerage models are able to scale so quickly and offer services to agents, and how traditional brokers have a misguided perspective of the model. Related to this episode: Connect with Ray on LinkedIn Connect with Sonny on LinkedIn United Real Estate Gallery HousingWire’s YouTube Channel Enjoy the episode! HousingWire Annual is where the community from across the housing ecosystem comes together to share strategies, drive business, discover new technologies, discuss best practices, and meet industry leaders. Our agenda is power packed with content to propel your company to the next level and connect you with the industry playmakers. Click here to learn more! The RealTrending podcast fe