Scale Model Podcast

Scale Model Podcast Ep. 49 – Lincoln Wright – Big in Japan, Part Deux



Welcome to Episode 49 Sponsored by Goodman Models. Hosts Stuart Clark Anthony Goodman Thanks to our wonderful Patreon Supporters! *************************************** LATEST NEWS SMP Super Model Contest 2020! Presenting SMP’s Super Model Contest 2020 sponsored by Moscato Hobby Models Rules: Any subject / Any scale / Anything goes / Must be your own work 3-month duration starting July 1st, Ending September 30th. You must not start until July 1st. Max. 3 pics and a brief (no more than 100 words) description You must Include: Scale / Manufacturer / Subject Name Prize: Baby Space Crab 1/48 Scale Resin Kit from Moscato Hobby Models   Our Judge is Terry Miesle of Terry’s Trade Secrets! Send your photos and description to *************************************** MAILBAG David Waples writes: Enjoyed the show and especially the interview.  I shared this with the other two podcasts as they were talking about egg/distorted/cute subjects.  I do these every Easter just for a break and for