Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

The Product Owner Turnaround With The Help of Real-Time Feedback By The Scrum Master | Konstantin Ribel



Konstantin Ribel: The Product Owner Turnaround With The Help of Real-Time Feedback By The Scrum Master Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: The Great Product Owner: The PO That Looked At Backlog Items As Investments Konstantin describes for us a standout Product Owner with a strong business focus. This PO viewed work time as an investment, carefully considering the team's use of their time. They treated backlog items as hypotheses, emphasizing the need for validation with real customers. Seeking feedback on these hypotheses and involving the team in refinement and customer reviews were key practices. The team's active participation in feedback cycles played a crucial role in value creation. Konstantin also recommends organizing sprint reviews with customers for optimal product development. The Bad Product Owner: The PO Turnaround With The Help of Real-Time Feedb