Mulligan Stew With Terry David Mulligan

EP 266 | Wide Mouth Mason & Colleen Rennison two Great New Albums



Colleen Rennison and Wide Mouth Mason Both with fine new albums   First hour Colleen Rennison.  Year after year one of the voices to keep an eye on in Vancouver, then Austin, Texas. Formerly the lead singer of No Sinner and a self-admitted artist living a life of booze and partying that bordered on harmful – to self and career. Finally, back in Vancouver, Colleen has found friends who’ve cared for and helped her recover and do what she was meant to do – write and sing. New album Persephone. not named after the tug. Finally, she’s put all the gifts together. Man, is this a good album Check out I Do. Colleen brings tales of dark times and new hope. The second Guests are Shaun Verreault and Safwan Javed – Wide Mouth Mason They have released a new album Late Night Walking They are always pushing forward. Finding a new edge to their music. For example,  one track, Minus 2 Minutes features Joey Landreth on guitar in the left channel only, with Shaun on the right. and Safwan right down the middle. On the album with