Jsedirect With Simon Brown

Old traders, bold traders, but no old and bold traders (#560)



There are bold traders. here are old traders. There are no bold and old traders.Bold traders What is a bold trader and why do they die out? Wild swings for the fence No position size management Stop loss for losers Enter outside of system and process Simon Shares Famous Brands (JSE code: FBR) trading update, Spur (JSE code: SUR) really has taken the mantel of best QSR/restaurant business on the JSE. Very strong US jobs and upward revisions from previous month. But wage inflation only 0.2%. So market was confused but ended happy. Tuesday also saw US 10-year yields moving lower which excited everybody. But I am sceptical, this is only one data point and I think the FOMC hikes at their 31 Oct/01 Nov FOMC meeting. Water crisis. This is going to hurt and it not going away any tine soon. Which businesses get hurt most? We found a US government bond ETF paying monthly.