Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

Ask me anything! October salon owners Q and A



Hello, my salon buddies! Get ready to buckle in for an enlightening chat on overcoming challenges in the salon industry. We dive into an exciting Q&A session discussing everything from identifying and solving retention issues, to understanding your clients' expectations. We also cover how to use lost client surveys to your advantage. We’re not just about attracting new clients, we’re about keeping them, because let’s face it, that's half the game. We've all been in Jay's shoes, haven't we? Finding our ledger in the red more often than not. So, we chat about how to figure out if your problem is with revenue generation or expense management. Remember, profitability isn't just about figures—it's an indicator of the health of your business. In the second half of our chat, we steer towards recruitment marketing and online booking—a world filled with opportunities if you know how to do it right. Join Laura and I as we venture through tried-and-tested strategies, from the good old flyers to the trendier social m