Ccr Sermons

The Resurrection of Lazarus



Revealed: the Miracles of Jesus Part 9: The Resurrection of Lazarus By Louie Marsh, 10-8-2023   Possible Evidence of Life After Death:   The EEG scans of more than 500 patients who had suffered cardiac arrest were studied. Sadly, most of them were unable to be revived. But 53 patients were returned to life and consciousness. Of those, nearly a dozen reported memories of a “sense” of awareness while they were dead and six reported an NDE (Near Death Experience). But if the person has expired and their brain functions have essentially ceased, how are they storing any memories, to say nothing of experiencing something? Are we looking at medical proof of an afterlife?   The few scientists who have addressed these questions previously have typically attributed these memories to random synaptic firings in the brain as it’s in the process of dying. But these results seem to suggest something more may be going on.   1) Jesus SHAPES the scene.   “5Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. 6So, when he hear