Peter S Williams

From Glory to Glory (2023): Movement 1) Trinity



This is the first of eleven movements in the updated and expanded 2023 recording of my From Glory to Glory suite. We open with God’s existence prior to creation. A solo piano plays three musical lines, the third of which is generated from the interaction of the first two, representing the way in which God the Father is the “root” of the Divine “triad”, God the Son eternally depends upon the Father, and God the Holy Spirit “proceeds” from the Father and the Son. The piece is also Trinitarian in having three sections. It ends on an unresolved chord, suggesting the eternality of the Godhead. From Glory to Glory is available as a high quality wav file album on Soundcloud: From Glory to Glory is a little under 70 min long suite of contemporary classical music, reflecting on the biblical story and Christian spirituality, drawing upon an eclectic fusion of musical influences. The suite is written for four part choir and an ensemble of instruments. The ly