Love Your Story

Episode 255: Developing Healthy Thinking Patterns for Emotional Resilience – Part 2



Episode 255: Developing Healthy Thinking Patterns for Emotional Resilience - Part 2Marcus Aurelius said, “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength.” Today’s episode is #2 in a 5-part series of creating emotional resilience.Today’s episode is titled: "Empowering Your Mind: Developing Healthy Thinking Patterns for Emotional Resilience”A couple years ago I joined an emotional resilience group a few years back. The class focused on learning and practicing spiritual and practical skills to better care for the body, mind, emotions and relationships. Pretty important stuff. I want to share some of my take-aways and I’ll bring some experts in to comment as well.As I mentioned, this is the second in a 5-part series on emotional resilience. I hope these episodes will support you in your own quest for choosing emotional resilience skills - because these are skills we all need . Stay tuned for this important step in emotional resilience - developing healthy thin