What Got You There With Sean Delaney

My new book- Masterpiece In Progress: A Daily Guide to a Life Well Crafted, is out now!



My new book, Masterpiece In Progress: A Daily Guide to a Life Well Crafted, is out now! Inside the pages of Masterpiece In Progress, you'll fine 365 daily meditations, carefully designed to challenge, inspire and catalyze personal and professional evolution! This book is a reservoir of timeless wisdom- pivotal lessons designed to direct you in forging a life that aligns with your authentic passion and purpose, leading to a deeper sense of fulfillment. For those who love actionable wisdom as much as I do, this book doesn’t disappoint. It's interwoven with practical tools and tips, meticulously designed to equip you in tackling life's ever-present challenges. I’ve poured everything I have into this book, with the aim of making it your go-to resource in the art of living a magnificent life.  Order your copy HERE Freebies: Buy 3 copies: Get 1 Kindle copy free! Buy 10 copies: Get my You Unleashed Course ($299 value) + 1 Kindle copy free! Buy 25 copies: Get a 1 hour Zoom call with me + You Unleashed Course + 3 Kin