Everything Co-op With Vernon Oakes

Maurice Smith, 2023 Co-op Hall of Fame Inductee, discusses his Cooperative Journey



September 7, 2023 Everything Co-op has dedicated the Month of September to interview the 2023 Hall of Fame Inductees. Induction into the Cooperative Hall of Fame is the highest honor that the U.S. cooperative community bestows on the extraordinary men and women who have made genuinely heroic contributions in support of the cooperative form of enterprise. The first interview to kick off this tribute was with Maurice Smith, Attorney and Counselor at Law, and retired CEO of Local Government Federal Credit Union (LGFCU) . Maurice and Vernon discussed his co-op journey, and projections about the future of the cooperative movement. As the retired CEO of LGFCU, the fourth largest credit union in North Carolina, Maurice led expansion of the institution at an industry-leading pace—16-fold organic growth rate to current $3.8B in assets—while creating an enduring brand for 400,000 members. Maurice has accomplished this with his agile style of leadership, based on co-op principles and values, and staying focused on m