Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

The Shocking Reality of iPhone Radiation: Separating Fact from Fiction



In an era where technology permeates every facet of our lives, concerns about radiation emissions from our beloved gadgets often creep into our thoughts. But before you start picturing yourself mutating into an alien, let's clarify that the radiation we're talking about here is of the "non-ionizing" variety, akin to soaking up the sun's rays on a pleasant day. No need for nuclear energy-level panic. Recently, the iPhone 12 Pro received a resounding vote of confidence from French regulators, assuring us that it's well within safety limits. So, put your iPhone-related worries on hold. And as for Bluetooth's blue waves, they're not causing any ripples in the danger pond either. But hold on to your digital seats because this article isn't just about iPhones and radiation; it's a journey through the tech-scape that explores vital topics such as browser security, quishing, underwater mega volcanoes, phishing tips, the first-ever phishing victims, Barracuda breaches, and even the electrifying world of Tesla's electr