Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 496 Things I Wish I Had Done Earlier In Life



Of all the things in life we don’t control, the past is the clearest. It already happened. It’s done. It’s set in stone, and we can look back at it with a clear view of what we should have done differently. For this reason, the Stoics were not big on regret. I will say that Neither am I. There’s no reason to whip yourself or be paralyzed by the “What Ifs” of life. Still, we can learn and grow and do better the next time. In fact, we must, and hopefully we do.  Ryan Holiday (one of my favorite authors) wrote an article on 24 things he wished he had done sooner in his life. I loved the article and decided I wanted to do the same thing. With excerpts from his article, I have compiled a list of things I wished I had done or learned earlier in my life. I hope they help you and encourage you to examine your life and make some minor changes that have been with you for years. So in the podcast I share things that, while I try not to regret, I wish I had done differently or sooner or better. I think you might benefit