Crafting A Meaningful Life With Mary Crafts-homer

(Ep 292) Unmasking the Counterfeit Emotions with Curtis J. Morley



One of the most profound topics that Mary often talks about is the role of fear in our lives. Fear can hold us back, prevent us from reaching our full potential, and hinder our ability to experience true joy. Curtis J. Morley, in his book "Counterfeit Emotions," sheds light on the concept of counterfeit emotions and how they can deceive us into living in a state of fear and disconnection. Curtis explains that every authentic emotion has a counterfeit counterpart, except for one: peace. The counterfeit emotions masquerade as the authentic ones, leading us astray and creating destructive patterns in our lives. By understanding and recognizing these counterfeit emotions, we can break free from their grip and embrace a more authentic and fulfilling existence. Curtis shares his personal journey of discovering the difference between authentic and counterfeit emotions, and how understanding this distinction can lead to a more fulfilling life. They also explore the role of fear in preventing people from recognizing a