Spinning Yarns

Mara's phlog - talking about oakland new zealand, g mail, free wind, www dot, art work, mara, spelling



Hello this is Mara Kelland and this is my first phone test. I'm a perk(?) from up here in this top writer and painter who lives in Oakland New Zealand(?) and would have make a phone blog an audio blog rather because a friend of mine said that would be fun. So I'm trying this out over the summer. Maybe if it goes any good I will keep it going. If you would like to contact me you can email M F Kelland that's M F K E L L A N D at g mail dot com or you can check me out on Myspace www dot myspace dot com slash M A R A K E L L A N D or for art work to www dot free wind(?) dot com slash Mara Kelland spelling is above and we'll talk later.