Active Recall With Walter & Francis

Resolutions (P-Rex) Subtle Art (BoTW) Arcade Games (MW)



(00:03:20) Resolutions (Podcast recommendations) (00:19:10) Subtle Art of Not Giving a F- (Book Recommendations) (00:33:50) Arcade Games (The Magic Window) (00:47:38) Closing gratitude (Borrowed Segment) === We're back! New year, new you! Trying out this format, building on some of the things from late last year (podcast recommendations and the magic window) and the bulk of our first 20 episodes (book of the week). I'm really enjoying this format. Here are some things we talked about. Podcast recommendations Pat Flynn Show: Dan John on Measuring what Matters Jocko Willink #100 with Tim Ferriss Art of Manliness: Motivation myth Jeff Haden Book of the Week: Subtle Art of Not Giving a F- Stop caring about unimportant things so that you can focus on the important things Maybe being a digital nomad isn't the answer Creating things because it's fun for you The Magic Window: Arcade games Talking about a couple games we played growing up The Simpsons: Is this game overrated? Time Crisis 2: How it ties into t