Active Recall With Walter & Francis

The positive change x Save The Cat



From Save the Cat:Go back to Blockbuster (boy, are they tired of you by now) and check out the 6-12 movies in the genre of the movie you’re writing. Sit and watch as the beats of these films are magically filled into the blanks of the BS2.(BS2 being the beat sheet — check out an example beat sheet for The Martian.)I was listening to a podcast with Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg (I thiiink it was this episode of Creative Processing with Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and they talk about how they were lucky to have a school very close to 2 video rental places. Those places then had their price wars to the point that you could rent 7 movies for 7 bucks for 7 days.I’ve definitely been in those video rental spots. Not theirs.But my hometown’s version of it. The catch is usually that the movies need to be 7 years old. At least. Okay so it’s probably just that new releases were excluded.But you’ll just grab whatever movies, some you’ve seen already, and then just watch them. You start seeing the patterns and get a sense for st