This Anthro Life

Bridging the Gap: Bringing Science to the Public Imagination



This episode is about the importance of supporting public access to science and helping experts and scientists in their work. Dr. Nicholas B. Dirks, joins host Adam Gamwell to discuss the work of the New York Academy of Sciences, which emphasizes the importance of science and the need for public engagement. Together, we highlight the changing relationship between science and broader society over time and the misconception of science as a singular established truth. The episode also explores challenges in communicating the nature of scientific discovery, addressing public skepticism towards scientific messages, and the role of science in addressing climate change and technological advancements. Dirks emphasizes the need to support and connect science across disciplines and engage with the public effectively. Additionally, the episode touches on the tension between liberal arts and public policy, the importance of public awareness in scientific thinking, uncertainty and trust in the scientific process, the role