Broads And Books

21: I'm Not Crying, You're Crying!



Need a good cry? Step 1: Listen to this episode to hear our stories of crying fits in movie theaters, city buses, and at the hands of Podcat. Step 2: Read our picks from this episode! Also in this episode, we make plans for our Broads and Books museum, discuss Podcat's delusional overlord-ness, and threaten a David Bowie masterclass. You'll be in a tear cage of joy by the end. _______________Our picks this week: Fiction Books:Amy: The Road, Cormac McCarthyErin: The Invention of Wings, Sue Monk KiddOther Books:Amy: Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls, T Kira Madden (Memoir)Erin: The Lost Girls, Robert Kolker (True Crime, Non-fiction)Pop Culture:Amy: "Heroes," David Bowie (Song) (Watch the 2002 live performance in Berlin)Erin: Blackfish (Documentary)_____________Like what you hear? Subscribe to Broads and Books wherever you get your podcasts. And hey -- be a pal. Give us a rating and review while you're there! Plus: Send us your ideas and challenges, and you could be featured on a f