Broads And Books

32: On the Compound



This week we're talking all things cultified. Whether it's fundamentalists, polygamists, or even sports teams, our picks are all about what happens when you join that group that promises all the answers (and needs your bank account. And your genitals.)Along the way, we talk about the cult that made Erin pee her pants, the glass ceiling among cult leaders, and how our hatred for bunk beds might affect our ability to be brainwashed. _____________Our picks this week: Novels:Amy: The Incendiaries, R.O. KwonErin: The Book of Essie, Meghan Maclean WeirOther Books:Amy: Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties, Tom O'Neill (Nonfiction)Erin: The Witness Wore Red: The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous Cult Leaders to Justice, Rebecca Musser (Nonfiction)Pop Culture:Amy: Dear Franklin Jones (Podcast)Erin: Roll Red Roll (Documentary)___________Like what you hear? Subscribe to Broads and Books wherever you get your podcasts. And hey -- be a pal. Give us a rating and review while