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Sophia Demas - Consciousness Beyond Death



SophiaDemas – Consciousness Beyond Death: True Stories of Signs, Messages, and Timing Iwas lucky to have had a magical childhood. I was born in Dearborn, Michigan,where my father worked for the Ford Motor company. He had immigrated alone fromGreecein 1909 when he was fifteen, and it wasn’t until forty-two years later that hereturned to the “old country” and married my mother. We had no relatives here.Being aware that my parents were of a different culture and a generation olderthan my friends’ parents, allowed me to accept their eccentricities and fostermy independence. When I was seven, my father retired and we moved to Greece, whereinstantly I had a boisterous extended family. However, Greece’s geographic vulnerability to Russia duringthe Cuban missile crisis scared him into moving us back to the States. We endedup in Portland, Oregon, where my father bought a house nearthe Greek Orthodox church which, aside from her family, became the center of mymother’s life. She had indoctri