Stuff You Missed In History Class

Isabel González and Gonzales v. Williams



Gonzales v. Williams is one of the Insular Cases, and because it was about the citizenship status of Isabel González of Puerto Rico, it stands out from the many other Insular Cases that focus on goods and tariffs. Research:  Burnett, Christina Duffy. "’They say I am not an American...’: The Noncitizen National and the Law of American Empire.” Virginia Journal of International Law. Vol. 48, No. 4. 2008. Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States at October Term, 1903. “Gonzalez v. Williams.” No. 225.. Argued December 4, 7, 1903.-Decided January 4, 1904. Connecticut General Assembly Office of Legislative Research. “OLR Research Report.” 3/3/1997. Erman, Sam. “Almost Citizens: Puerto Rico, the U.S. Constitution, and Empire (Studies in Legal History).” Cambridge University Press. 2018. Erman, Sam. “Meanings of Citizenship in the U.S. Empire: Puerto Rico,