Eco Chic

Disasterology | Dr. Samantha Montano



We are rewinding to a conversation with Dr. Samantha Montano all about disaster management, in response to our recent episode on the concept of disaster capitalism. We get into everything you’ve ever wanted to know about living with stronger hurricanes, tornados, heatwaves… and just how we can protect our communities. Dr. Montano and I discuss her interest in disaster recovery in New Orleans immediately following Hurricane Katrina and the Levee Failure. Samantha educates of the phases of Disaster Management (and what can go right or wrong in each one!), and gaps in our current legal and political systems when it comes to actively preparing for and mitigating events that are often incorrectly referred to as ‘natural disasters.’ We also dig deeper into the mismanagement of the covid catastrophe response. This episode was originally published December 2021 under the title "Disasters Aren't Natural: Managing Catastrophes + The Climate Crisis. Dr. Montano is an assistant professor of emergency management at Massa