Ever Forward Radio

EFR 738: Fatal Conveniences in Your Home, On Your Body, and Inside Your Cells That Are Making You Sick (and What to Do About It) with Darin Olien



This episode is brought to you by LMNT, Caldera Lab, & Timeline Nutrition. Have you ever wondered about the impact our ever-increasing reliance on technology has on our health and environment? This episode sheds light on this crucial issue along with repeat guest Darin Olien. Together, we unravel the complexities of electromagnetic frequencies and their implications on our health, from cellular stress responses to the foreboding reality of lowered testosterone levels. Darin also highlights the urgent need to shift towards a sustainable home and poses challenging but realistic alternatives to our daily living that will not only keep us healthier but reduce our carbon footprint and create healthier communities. Fatal conveniences are the toxic products we routinely use and the unhealthy things we do that our culture and corporations have made us believe are safe and necessary for living well and efficiently. These things—from deodorant, cosmetics, dental floss, and sunscreen to laundry detergent, air fres